I've done a fair number of John Harman's workshops through UWA extension and they are absolutely awesome. I cannot even begin to explain how useful they were. John Harman's a published thriller writer, and even if you don't write thrillers everything he mentions can be applied to any genre. I'm considering repeating these workshops - they are that good.
Below are two workshops scheduled for this semester. I recommend the characters workshop. The writer's life is useful for finding ways to get movitated enough to begin (or finish) projects, but does not cover as much technique on writing, plot etc, etc. The workshops are a touch pricey (mainly for the rent of the room and any handouts) but worth every penny.
UWA Extension Website is regularly updated with workshops schedualed over the summer. At a glance HOW TO DRAMATISE YOUR STORY THROUGH NARRATIVE STRUCTURE and WRITING THE POPULAR NOVEL are also running in Feb.
John Harman, Author
Fictional characters must possess sufficient strength of character to handle difficult dilemmas. In other words, characters must be up to the plot. This workshop shows how to create convincing characters, including how to write characters of the opposite gender.
081090 Sat 9.30am-4.30pm Feb 9 $165
John Harman, Author
A writer needs to possess an almost bi-polar personality, with a hide tough enough to withstand rejection yet a soul sensitive enough to induce inspiration. Is it even possible to be published and if so, what does the writer need to know about the publishing industry? How may the aspiring writer induce and improve creativity, overcome writer’s block, organise time and produce saleable work?
075112 Sat 9.30am-4.30pm Nov 3 $165
Escape Pod 620: Promise (Artemis Rising)
6 years ago
Hrm... They sound good :) I'll keep it in mind! (Although I doubt that I will have money to spare in February because I will have just spent 2 months in Europe hehe... But, who knows! Miracles do happen. And if they don't, Mums do.)
LUCKY! I've been to Europe once and love to go back again... sadly can't afford it atm :(
Great information! I would love to do this, but no money, lol.
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